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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My beliefs on UFO's

One of the "unexplained" topics I like to read about are UFO's or Unexplained Flying Object.
I enjoy reading about the Roswell incident as well as television shows that host UFO sightings shows.
I am what they would call a skeptical believer. I believe that alien life forms may have ventured to our planet, but I do not see every light that I cannot identify as a UFO.
UFO's have been reported for thousands of years. One of the first known reported was by a Roman and reported flying ships over the sky, of what is now modern-day Italy.
There is also a belief that a recorded UFO sighting is found in Ezekiel, in the Tanakh/Old Testament.
Eventually I am going to post about UFO incidents/sightings that interest me. I am unsure if any are true or to take with a grain of salt.


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