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Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Votes Have Been Counted

The votes are counted and the results are in. The Democrats have control of both houses. Some people are very excited, while others are very upset about the results.
In reality, Americans decide who will be representing them. America's voice has been heard.
Am I optimistic about the Democrats taking over? I will be much more optimistic when the ticker with the national debt starts to decrease. Will I think it will happen? Probably not.
The GOP had twelve years to promote their agenda such as abortion. Abortion is still legal. Did they promote fiscal responsibility? Smaller government? Again look at my counter for the nation debt.
Do I do believe that Democrats will solve the problem. Again, probably not. I am willing to bet the ticker on my right hand side of the blog will decrease.
If the Democrats do not solve any problems, elections are in two years. They can be voted out!
The economy is showing signs of slowing down. Consumer spending dropped slightly, in spite of the holiday season. Does it mean Americans aren't spending as much? Probably so.
The economy is something I will be keeping an eye on.


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