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My personal blog about the upcoming presidential election, voicing my opinions on the candidate I am supporting for the upcoming election in 2008. It may also include personal posts I may choose to add.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Day After the Election

This election day was very exciting, but most of my predictions came true.
I expected that Ed Rendell would be re-elected Governor of Pennsylvania.
I expected Bob Casey, Jr to defeat Rick Santorum.
I predicted that the House would be Democratic controlled.
However, as it looks now, I did not expect the Democrats to take over the Senate. I thought it would remain a dead tie.
There were some upsets in the state level which I am not going into. I could go on all day and night plus next week about that.
I may have some politics based posts on my blog, but not as many as I used to post. I am going to direct the format of my blog to include events that I may have an opinion on, things about my personal life I may want to share, and possibly include topics about other things I enjoy.
I am not going to frown over the GOP's losses and the Democrats victories. I am not going to elaborate at voter fraud and the stories I heard about dead voters that voted yesterday and the people who were harassed by telephone, by repeatedly calling registered voters claiming to be one candidate, when in fact it was a lie to enhance a competing candidate chances of winning the election.
What really surprised me is Rick Santorum's speech when he learned of his loss to Bob Casey. I was not a supporter of Rick Santorum in anyway, but my opinion of changed slightly, that he said nothing negative about the loss. I am sure he was devastated by the loss, but he cut his losses, and gave a speech of encouragement for his successor.
I really hope for the best for Rick Santorum and his future endeavors. I give my best wishes for Bob Casey, Jr and hopefully he is successful in what he does.
Same for any other candidate that may have won or lost in yesterday's election, I hope the best for them in their endeavors and can make the country more optimistic and succeed.


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