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My personal blog about the upcoming presidential election, voicing my opinions on the candidate I am supporting for the upcoming election in 2008. It may also include personal posts I may choose to add.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday Post #7

The Future of my Blog
This will be the last post that deals with primarily politics. Looking back at the last election cycle and mid-term elections, I am glad to see that it is over.
You see signs that have been along roadsides voting for a certain candidate.
They have been up since later summer or even sooner in some cases. Slowly the billboards and the signs are slowly disappearing. Money spent by political campaigns either paid off or have been wasted.
Long gone will be the attack ads by political candidates trash talking and spreading gossip. Television and radio will return to regular commercial promoting residential and commercial products that are available.
My blog, however, probably won't change much in the sense of looks. I do not plan on changing my name or the name of the blog. I will only be changing its format slightly to include personal tidbits that I may want to write about. They will not all be political. I did post that in certain posts in my blog, but now I will go into specifics. It may turn into a depressing blog. It may turn into a funny blog. It may have abstract posts. Only the future will tell.
I may included a little more about my personal life, my occupation, as long as I break no confidentiality of my employer. It may include musings of things in Pennsylvania and its unique majesty.
I am going to cover topics that interest me, such as the unexplained and the paranormal. One of my favorite radio shows is coast to coast am. I try to listen to a few hours of a few shows each week, but it is on at nighttime. I do need to sleep during that time.
This will probably be the last posts titled "Sunday Post" because the election is over.


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