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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Update on my Fantasy Congress

I never posted who I chose for my fantasy congress. I have the link to the side of my blog as well as here.
I posted earlier how the game works and can be found in my archives for October 22nd. I started out in 30th place, with a score of 85, but got booted to 49th place, with 85 points because other competitors picked better candidates than myself. Scores are set to zero right now because Congress is in recess. Once Congress reconviens, the battle will begin.
I belong to Public League 8 and my team is simply named "paindepedent's team."
The members I picked(which was before election day 2006) are as follows
Members of the House
Paul Kanjorski (D) PA-11
Jim Kolbe (R) AZ-08
Tim Holden (D) PA-17
Barney Frank (D) MA-04
Melissa Hart (R) PA-04
Loretta Sanchez (D) CA-47
Ron Paul (R) TX-14
Dennis Kucinich (D) OH-10
Michael Fitzpatrick (R) PA-08
Tim Murphy (R) PA-18
Rahm Emanuel (D) IL-05
Stephanie Herseth (D) SD
Members of the Senate
Joe Lieberman (I/D) CT
Arlen Specter (R) PA
Lincoln Chafee (R) RI
Evan Bayh (D) IN

You pick twelve Represenatives and four Senators
It really looks as if I need to pick some new members LOL.
That time will come in January.


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