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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

And the Adventure Begins


Today is the day.

Millions of Americans will be heading to the polls, but not without some chaos mixed in.
It varies from the voting machine malfunctions to the incident in Virginia. Are the dead voting for Democrats today? Are the Republicans putting registered voters on the felons list? Can you think of both sides manipulating to get their results?
I did my part by casting my ballot. Just like President Bush encouraged all Americans to vote. I encourage all others to do the same.

For those who didn't vote yet, I highly encourage everyone to have their voice heard. It is a shame that many European countries beat the US in voter turnout, but always remember this. Countries that have democracies elections are in the minority. People in any countries have no voice and cannot choose or select the people that run their government. Sometimes they are punished for doing so.

I have a few last minute links to add like and another site that keeps track of the officials you have elected into office. This site keeps the record of every politicians voting record.


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