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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Voter Information Website

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Flag

I found a useful website for Pennsylvania Voters named and It is just a single digit number of days until the election. I feel it is a great resource to Pennsylvania voters and the issues that may concern others.


  • At Thursday, November 02, 2006 2:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My conservative friends and neighbors are chomping at the bit to register our displeasure with the treatment we get from the democrats and their willing accomplices in the liberal press.

    There will be no surprises in my district though. One of the most conservative members of the House will be reelected, Joe Pitts. Senator Santorum will win this district overwhelmingly.

    I can't understand people that haven't decided who they are going to vote for at this time. All the information about candidates have been out there all year and anyone that relies on the information that comes out during the campaigns after Labor Day probably doesn't take much interest in politics in the first place.

    I always liked the term that I heard years ago to describe that time between Labor Day and Election Day as "Silly Season". I wish we could go back to those days because it has become like dogs fighting over a bone or gladiators fighting to the death for the spoils. It's not much fun anymore. Silly Season used to be fun.

    Well I'm just glad to see someone of your generatuion willing to take an interest and get involved. Voting is your birthright Pennsy and I know your going to honor that no matter who you vote for.

  • At Friday, November 03, 2006 8:48:00 AM, Blogger lilfeathers2000 said…

    I have to agree with the above on not understanding on people that have not made up their minds, by now.
    I have I just wish I could vote no way on all the canidates.
    Thanks for stopping by my site


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