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Monday, December 11, 2006

Not as Many Pennsylvanians Hunting

I read an interesting article in the newspaper that also coincides with a post that I posted a few weeks ago.
I had posted that Pennsylvania had the highest incidents deer-vehicle collisions. That post from Wednesday November 15, 2006, and can be seen here and scrolling down to the post with a "Deer Warning" sign. I am not a hunter myself, but found this to be an interesting topic because of what I posted a month ago.
Sale of hunting licenses in Pennsylvania have decreased since 1981. 1981 was a record setting year by the sale of 1.3 million licenses. In 2005 few than one million were sold, with the number at 964,000. The number decreased by 336,000 in a span of twenty-five years.
One explanation of the decline in hunting is urban spawl. People are leaving the cities and expanding suburban areas. I know of countless upon countless new homes going up in my area, including my own home. The open areas that were prime hunting areas are no longer available to hunt in because of safety zone restrictions.
Some people don't hunt anymore because they simply don't have the available time to do so.
As a result Pennsylvania leads the state in deer-vehicle accidents.
There are no easy solutions to the problem of deer-vehicle accidents.


  • At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:14:00 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Growing up on a 500 archer farm I know two main things that make deer road fouter mating and hunters. Nothing worse then getting a bunch of out of shape city slickers in the woods stirring up the deer population. I know women are in the woods hunting. My girl friend shot two. Maybe they should be paying us to hunt instead of paying more for hunting licenses. =) Merry Christmas Em


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