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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Two Stories of Interest Over the Weekend

This post is about two different news articles that caught my attention.
The First one is the United States leads the world in the incarcerated. The second is the ban of trans-fats from restaurants' menus in New York City.
I am going to begin with the ban in NYC. Yes, trans-fats are horrible for you. No one is going to deny that. Everyone knows that they will kill you in excess. The government does not need to play "nanny" to its people.
The government of NYC is stating that it will help the restaurants find alternatives to trans-fatty acids. They also stated that they are not looking for easy money from restaurants when it comes to the penalties. Everyone knows that is a lie. You may click here for an article that relates to the ban.
The second news article is the primary reason for today's post. The United States leads the world in the highest incarcerated prison population. I agree 100% that is the best place for people who decide to commit violent crimes such as robberies and murders.
I have never discussed this issue before on my blog, but it is something that has been known to everyone that knows me personally, that I am against the "War on Drugs." I do not support the usage of drugs what so ever. Drugs are a horrible thing. They do degrade lives. They are destructive in every way imaginable. They destroy families. I will never deny that. Alcohol, the most abused drug, does the same. Everyone knows what alcohol and how it impacts everything and anything. I really see no difference between alcohol and drug usage. They are both equally destructive. The "War on Drugs" has done nothing more than damper and hinder law-abiding citizens constitutional rights. I could write a book on the advantages and disadvantages of drug prohibition.
The United States incarcerates more people in drug offences that any other country. This adds to the contribution to the increasing numbers of incarcerated. This also goes into the discussion of how much it costs to incarcerate someone for these charges. Federal taxes may have increased, but have your local and state taxes increased. I know mine have and the higher taxes partially contribute to increased incarceration.
The Justice Department report shows that one out of every thirty-two people have been incarcerated or on probation/parole in the past year. The number shows that approximately seven million are incarcerated now.

America need a sensible drug policy. Not prohibition. Look at the time when alcohol was banned. Crime skyrocketed because of bootlegged alcohol. The murder rate skyrocketed as well, which led to the 21st amendment repealing the 18th amendment, which banned alcohol.


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