Americans are Driving Less

Higher fuel prices are causing Americans to drive less. The American driving average dropped from 13,711 miles to 13,657 miles. This is not that sigificant. However, Americans are driving less.
Black Friday sales have increased from last year, although Wal-Mart did not recieve as high of sales as expected. Was it due to the boycott crititzing Wal-Mart as a "gay" agenda because they donated $60,000 to a gay rights group? I am not going into detail because I am not going to get excited over an extremist Christian group opposing their donation.
Overall, sales have been quite well for other retailers than Wal-Mart. Sales have increased over 3.4% from last year. It isn't looking too bleak afterall.
At Sunday, December 03, 2006 4:00:00 PM,
Marie's Two Cents said…
I think the total numbers for Walmart once revised will be alot different.
Alot of people I know stayed home on Black Friday just so they wouldnt have to embrace the crazy crowds!
However Walmart brought back Christmas! Now they wont have to hear that crazy lady in Oklahoma that calls them every year and complains!
As for driving alot less, you wouldnt know that on the streets of Oklahoma! Heck these people are out there even when we were getting bashed by one of the most wicked snow storms we have had in a long time.
Then again these Okies are nuts!
At Sunday, December 03, 2006 5:11:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have noticed traffic isn't as bad as it used to be which is a good thing. I can tell you now, not many people are driving as far as they used to. I know travel agents that have told me people are not going on vacations or their vacations are much shorter than they used to be.
At Sunday, December 03, 2006 5:15:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
It will be interesting to see the revised numbers in a few weeks. I never knew wal-mart removed Christmas from the holiday. It is referred to holidays because of both Christmas and Hannakah.
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