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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Benefits of the Fair Tax

The benefits of the fair tax are as follows.
Abolishes the IRS. (Less Government)
Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation. (Much needed)
Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding. (Better Security for those programs)
Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy. (Much needed)
Allows American products to compete fairly. (Promotes Free Enterprise)
Reimburses the tax on purchases of basic necessities. (Reduces tax burden on the poor)
Enables retirees to keep their entire pension. (Good for consumer and economy alike)
Enables workers to keep their entire paycheck. (Good for consumer and economy alike).

Some of the benefits are that retailers would have a zero corporate tax rate.
Economist estimate as well an "underground economy" or black market would be taxed fairly instead of going untaxed. An estimated 1 trillion dollars a year are spent in an "underground economy."
Some economists speculate that the Fair Tax would drop the price of consumer goods because corproations would have no tax liability. It would make American made products more competitive and give Americans much more spending and consumer power.
So far this sounds like a good idea. I am beginning to like this fair tax the more I read about it. I read alot of good information on the website, more than I could post here. I do have links scattered all over my blog, linking to
Here is another link to good information.


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