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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Does Health Insurance Ever Create a Sense of False Security?

Please don't let me be the one to ask this, does your health insurance give you a false sense of security?

Mine does.

The reason being I always have to cross my fingers and hope that my insurance will cover a doctors visit.

It has been several months since I have seen a doctor and have been avoiding the doctor because I don't want surprises. The last "surprise" left me with $125 that I owed my doctor.
The $125 I owed the doctor has since been paid, but it leaves this question, why should I pay $50 a month for an insurance policy. Especially one that fails to deliver on its promises.
From doing various research, I have learned if your insurance has failed to pay for your bill, you are ultimately responsible for it.
It is happened before, I just simply pay the bill and life moves on.

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