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Sunday, November 19, 2006

What To Expect From the Next Congress

The excitement of the Democrats taking over both houses is dwindling. Republicans are getting over their losses and Democrats are geared to promote their particular agenda.
Both leader from both houses are promoting a "new" congress, free of scandal, accountabilty, and transparency. They want the American people to believe that it will be different.
Personally I am not buying it. It will only be a matter of time of see the promises they break and keep.
What ever the circumstance may be, and myself have my own political views and agendas, these are some ideas I got from I did subscribe their newsletter severeal months ago. I have ideas for other to promote if they choose.
Promote the new (and old) leaders to pass bills such as the online gambling ban and read every bill act. All info can be found at
The Democrats fought tooth and nail to keep the national ID card from passing. They have a chance to promote real liberty by repealing it. The real ID act sounds like a good idea to protect Americans, but when you read the fine print, it does sound quite draconian and like a police state.
It would also put additional financial burdens on cash strapped states. That would fund it by increased price for your driver license and increased taxes. Increased taxes, good news for all of us! Wrong!!!!
You may go to the and read more about the laws above.
That is how the "new" Congress may earn its keep. Maybe, maybe not. Without inaction nothing gets done. Without contacting our legislators they do not know what the voters want. All of our lawmakers have websites and way to contact them.


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