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Thursday, October 26, 2006


Government is trying to be a parent again. This is why read the bills act must be passed.
The reason why I support reading the bills before you pass it. The Port Security bill was passed recently, with a provision in the bill that prohibits online gambling.
What does security at ports have to do with online gambling. You may click here to to find out all of the details of online gambling ban.
This is outrageous to add something that has nothing to do with American security. There are several links in the post that will give information.


  • At Friday, October 27, 2006 7:45:00 PM, Blogger Gayle said…

    I have no problem agreeing with you on this one! I don't see where online gambling has anything to do with Port Security. They must have snuck that one in there!

    I don't agree with online gambling, but then I don't agree with gambling, period. However, if an individual wants to throw their money away gambling, I think it should be up to the individual. It's sort of like wearing seat belts. I don't think that should have been made a law either, except for children. If you want to kill yourself, then fine. It's smart to wear a seat belt, but you aren't going to hurt anyone other than yourself by not doing so.

    Some laws are made to be broken.

    I wear my seat belt though. :)

  • At Sunday, October 29, 2006 12:09:00 AM, Blogger Pennsylvania Independent said…

    I wear my seat belt too, because I was in a rollover accident and contribute only having very minor injuries to wearing my seat belt.
    Besides that, the government is is only shortchanging itself by banning a source of revenue. I am not a big supporter of high taxes, but I would feel it is better to have a higher tax on gambling income instead of people's earnings from their weekly or bi-weekly(in my case) paychecks that they work for. I just looked at my blog and haven't been on it for over 36 hours and seen the national debt ticker increase by 3 billion dollars.


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