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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday Post #5

Third Political Parties in the US.
I decided to focus this post on Third Parties, since they are usually kept out of the media and political limelight.
Third Parties are kept silent for many reasons. Many political candidates feel they may take away votes. This has been something that countless hours have been spent on in the courtrooms trying to keep Third party candidates off the ballots. Do I feel it is right? Absolutely not. I agree with Ralph Nader that Americans should have more than two choices. Do I always agree with Ralph Nader? Again, absolutely not.
Some people believe that it is only a two party system. They actually believe you must be a Democrat or a Republican to get into office.
Nowhere in the constitution does it state you must be in a political party or which one to be in. Try to find Democrat or Republican in the constitution. There are third party politicians right now serving at local levels. The Libertarian party claims to have over 500 people in elected office now.
I am going to post links to a few third parties

The Green Party
The Libertarian Party
The Constitution Party
The Moderate Party
The Reform Party
The Populist Party


  • At Sunday, October 29, 2006 10:13:00 AM, Blogger poody said…

    You should see the shennaigans going on here for the governor's race. Rick perry will win again because the Democrat Chris Bell has no recognition. Thenyou have Kinky who wants to be a blowhard and funny but he will not win. Oh God please not Kinky. Then we have this old gal who was mayor of Austin back in the 80's and almost bankrupted the city. Oh my, I do Austin. You ain't seen nothing till you experience some Texas politics!Who needs fantasy when you got the real deal here!Heaven help us!


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