Fall Planting
Something that is offbeat for this time of year, especially in an election year, is planting flowers.
Every spring I become a gardening nut. I start a flower garden every year. I usually plant marigolds, alyssums, bluebells, and what else suits my mood. Last year I even planted a rose bush with a cemented rock border to compliment it.
Fall is a great time to plant shrubs and perennials because of the left over heat in the ground from the summer. Usually perennials, shrubs, and bushes are fairly resistant to drought in case there is one the following summer.
Back in early May I planted pumpkins, which I do not believe sprouted because in the middle of May, a late and extremely heavy frost came. It is unusual to have a frost that late in the year, but this is Pennsylvania. It usually does not get down to 28 degrees Fahrenheit at night in the middle of May.
Next spring I do have some plans of my flower garden layout, but not 100% sure what I am planting yet. I will post that next spring.
At Sunday, October 22, 2006 6:57:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Good luck with the garden Pennsy. I usually have a pretty good sized garden evry year. I had tomatoes for the first time in a few years. I made a lot more friends giving them to the older ladies at my church. I have some very hardy azaelas out front of my house and I always wonder how they make it through the winter with all the snow on top of them and look so pretty in the spring. They were planted by the former owners of my house but I have moved them around and they still good, amazing.
Anyway, libertarian thing is OK to a point. I got caught up with that whole anti-both parties for a few years back in the late 80's and I started hearing black helicopters hovering over my house (even though I live near the local airport) I was a member of the JBS and whew, talk about paranoid. Do what you think is right just be wary.
At Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:06:00 PM, Pennsylvania Independent said…
If something like that would happen to me, I would be getting my camcorder and be recording it. Then I would call WHTM 27, WGAL 8, and WHP 21. I would give them quite an interesting story.
At Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:42:00 PM, Mike's America said…
Well see? Even though we might disagree about everything else, we can still find common ground (pun intended).
Though I garden 12 months of the year here and especially enjoy planting fall and winter gardens.
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