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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Why I Will Never Modify the Suspention of a Vehicle

Everyone has seen a vehicle that has been modified in some way. Vehicles can be modified to many specifications ranging from tinted windows, a customized stereo system, and lowered suspension.
First of all putting a ton of money into a car is a waste of money considering it is unlikely that you will own the vehicle in 10 years. I have personally seen a stereo system installed into a vehicle, in which the system was worth more than the vehicle itself. I have installed aftermarket parts into previous vehicles, such as stereos, but I never placed so much money into one. I never got anything so fancy, just the basic AM/FM with a CD player.
Lowered vehicles are a nightmare. The are usually more expensive to tow, because they need special equipment.
Don't get me wrong I like the look of modified vehicles, but when it comes down to it they are more of a show car than a vehicle to drive for everyday usage.



  • At Thursday, January 04, 2007 12:16:00 AM, Blogger Marie's Two Cents said…

    Off topic a bit here, I like that Link you left over at my place! I Agree! Make them all read it before they pass it!

    It's time to hold Congress to account!

  • At Thursday, January 04, 2007 3:13:00 AM, Blogger Pennsylvania Independent said…

    I am an avid reader of and it is a wonderful grassroots organization that promotes the liberty and rights of American citizens.
    It is a haven for Americans, like myself, that have become fed up with the shenanigans of the Democrats and Republicans. In the following days I will be posting things that I read from their newsletter and from the broadcasts online.


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