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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Making the Pennsylvania Turnpike Private

Yesterday I posted about privatization of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Today I am going to post more specific details of the privatization process.
Governor Rendell is thinking about placing the Pennsylvania Turnpike up for bid. Either it would be sold or leased, that answer has yet to be determined. Governor Rendell's idea is to invest the money from the lease to fund transportation needs. The deal would need to be approved by Pennsylvania Legislation in order for the provision to take effect.
The major issue that will probably be debated is to allow foreign firms to maintain the roads or only allow it to be exclusively for Domestic or even Pennsylvanian owned firms only.
This plan is only in its early stages and may only turn out to be just an idea. It may turn into a major issue in time to come. I will be keeping an eye on this topic and will post my opinions and suggestions when more information is available.


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