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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Not Winning or Losing

President Bush admitted today that the war in Iraq, we're not winning or losing. I do not post much on the War in Iraq, because it is very sensitive to me. I always hear a varied amount of opinons on the war, but recently I have been hearing more and more people staing the oppose the war. I know of former servicemen and women that agree with one thing, we got in over our heads. It was poorly planned.
"We're not winning, we're not losing." according to President Bush during an interview. The President also order Secretary of Defense Rober Gates to develope a stronger and increase the troop strength. This has stretched troops towards a breaking point.
This expansion will take years to complete. The Democratic victory in both houses in November probably has quite a bit with President Bush's change in opinion. Before he had opposed sending more troops, but now wants to send more. This also prompted the President to look at new options on the situation in Iraq.
My opinion on this is what I have been telling others that I encountered when involved in talking about the topic. A new direction is needed. A new plan is needed to be concievevd in order for the U.S. and its allies to succeed in this war. I do not support an immediate pullout, but I would like to see a timeline to get the affairs competed that need to be finished. The United States cannot be the world's police force, but it does need to protect itself from enemy forces. I do not ever see a government that the U.S. has created working in Iraq. I would like to be proved wrong, but on the other hand it is only reality.


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