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Monday, October 09, 2006

Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Election 2006

Here is a website that may be very helpful to all voters and is something that I have been studying quite a bit. I found it online by accident a few weeks ago. The sight is called here. This will probably help me make a decision on who I vote for, although I have a pretty good idea of whom I am voting for. I enjoy studying their issues and voting record.
I have an idea of which candidates I am voting, but there may be a last minute decision.
My only issue I have is who I am voting for governor. Ed Rendell, (D) the incumbent, has had FEW successes like getting the state back on a balanced budget. He has not reduced property taxes for very many people as he had promised in 2002. I do give him some credit for trying but they seem to fall apart.
The opponent is Lynn Swann (R), was a wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers from 1974 until 1982. Mr. Swann does not have a very strong platform and seems to be like myself, a person who like statistics. I do enjoy statistics myself, but they do not make a strong platform without some type of explanation. I am sure Mr. Swann enjoys statistics as well.
I am going to mention third party candidates for govenor on a later post. With few exceptions, third party candidates never get elected to office unfortunately. I was going to post in the coming days a separate post mentioning third party candidates. I was going to include them in the post, but I decided I would like more information on them before posting.


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