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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Why I am supporting a Republican Candidate for 2008

As you can tell by my blog I am supporting Ron Paul for 2008. There are many reasons I am supporting him and believing he will make a great president, but one thing in mind sticks out in my mind about him.
He is a huge advocate in Personal Freedoms, the man who would restore our constitutional rights as our forefather would have wanted.
Myself I am quite impressed with his voting record.
Ron Paul has never voted to
raise taxes
an unbalanced budget
regulate the internet
And he never particpated in the Congressional Pension Plan.

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  • At Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is slightly off topic, but I just wanted to stop by and say Hi and thank you for visiting and commenting. You make a very valid point! The more medicine they put me on, the more I turn away from it. When I read on a website all the withdrawl effects and having so many of them was appalling. That they actually put you on these meds is a horrible crime!! It seriously should be banned. So how is everything working out for you now. Is it under control? And your blog is just fine!! LOL :-)


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