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Sunday, November 26, 2006

The 13th Amendment and the Draft

The thirteen amendment of the United States Constitution abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude. As stated the amendment reads this:
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Many have speculated that a military draft falls under this amendment as well. This sparked my interest recently because of representative Rangel of New York to re-instate the draft.
Everyone knows that conscription has occurred before. The first draft took place with the War of 1812. It was imposed during the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Military conscription did take effects, however without opposition and controversy.
The Draft Riots of 1863 in New York and Vietnam protests in the 1960's and 1970's proves that. Even today men still must register with Selective Service.
Some have questioned whether the draft is constitutional. Some have argued that it coincides with the 13th amendment.
In 1918, the Supreme Court did uphold that the draft was in fact constitutional and did not violate the 13th amendment. During the Vietnam War, a court of appeals concluded the U.S. government had the power to initiate the draft.
As I said before, I oppose military conscription. People are volunteering for military service. It should be a matter of choice whether one chooses to serve or not. It is set to be brought before Congress in early 2007.
Rangel is only trying this as a political stunt.
I always hate to bring race up as an issues, this is making my stomach turn now, but Rep. Charles Rangel feels that minorities are disadvataged when they are recruited into the military.

According to Rep. Rangel 30% of the military are minorities. His bill would include both men and women ages 18 to 26. high school students would get deferments and exemptions. College student would not be able to seek a deferment for college attendance.
Anyone that is ineligible for military service would be required to do some type of community service for little or no pay.
According to Rangel, this would force President Bush and other lawmakers less likely to go to war. It would make a lot of legislators less eager to send troops overseas.
My opinion is that, it would not make our lawmakers think twice about deploying troops. It would not prevent "forcing minorities" into military service. There are exceptions as stated above. People of high class could find a way around the "exceptions."
Rangel's plan is horrible. The government does not own people. The government should not force anyone into the military or perform community service for free, just because they are young. That job belongs in the hands that have committed a tort against society.

Forcing people for no reason to perform community service is a huge violation of the 13th amendment.
I can't stress enough to tell you elected leaders what you think of this legislation. You elected them now tell them how you feel about involutary service.


  • At Tuesday, September 14, 2010 11:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I especially resent the anti male discrimination of the selective slavery system. I feel as though we're expected to die as slaves to make sure a freeloader class of politicians' daughters won't get a scratch up on their pedestals. I came to have this opinion when during the Vietnam atrocities most of the women of my generation were not only comfortable with what was being done to us but condoned it as well. This at a time we had to hear the worst of the feminist rhetoric about what "pigs" we were etc. And the slavery system is well populated with women who make their living discriminating against male citizens. Yet we are supposed to oppose discrimination against them.

  • At Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Give me libert or give me death." I will never fight in a war in support of a government that utterly failed to provide for and honor it's own people. It's all a matter of whether or not you're willing to risk it all to stand up for your rights.

    "He with the most guns, wins."


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