The results of my political tests.
The political tests shown I was a "Strong Democrat". Is there such a thing? I am going to do research on this to see if any Democrats agree with my Social Liberal and Economical Conservative philosophies. I wonder of anyone there has any insight?
It does show my philosophy of being a Social Liberal and a Fiscal Conservative. I always thought of myself as that, but I am a registered Independant.
It does show my philosophy of being a Social Liberal and a Fiscal Conservative. I always thought of myself as that, but I am a registered Independant.
At Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:03:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by The Rudicus Report. I appreciate your comments. I took your political test too, turns out I lean toward socialist - no surprise there.
I look forward to reading more of your blog. Feel free to visit and express your opinions, your comments are always welcome even if they disagree.
At Saturday, September 16, 2006 11:23:00 PM,
Ryan said…
You are most aligned with Lincoln Chafee and Evan Bayh, both social liberals but fiscal conservatives.
I would recomment adding a site counter to your blog so you can track your visitors. I can help you out with that if you want.
At Saturday, September 16, 2006 11:24:00 PM,
Ryan said…
Note: I mean a different one than the one you have already, there is a more mainstream one.
At Sunday, September 17, 2006 2:30:00 AM,
web_loafer said…
Thanks for visiting the Bluff, and let me rant a little, words don't hurt or, in answer to your blogged question.
Your search shouldn't take too long just ask an older person, "Who is your favorite Democrat?"
You ask someone 24 years old, they will say Clitnon.
You ask a grandfather, and they most likely will answer.....JFK,
You ask someone my age, and I'll tell you about the greatest Democrat of all ages and times.
Harry A. Truman.
None better,
Often mimicked, never duplicated.
Yes, Harry Truman is my all time favorite Democrat,
But, i know this for a fact, being from the same gene pool so to speak, as Harry...
Today, 2006, Harry would not vote democratic Party for anything......
Modern Democrats can call themselves D's or Progressives.....
Progressive doesn't make a real man happy.
Harry Truman would be voting Republican today if he was still alive.
Not afraid to wage war.
Cut taxes, and tell the idiots of the world to shut up, or else.....
There was a whole lot of patriotism going on in Harry's watch.
I wish there was a Harry, today, well there may be many of them, but why would they want to be involved with politics???
I know my gene pool, and Harry would not be a Democrat today. I am from the same region, and know what the people here are. They are proud, family and faith.
There is not a chance that Harry if he was alive today, would put up with the weenie’s, cowards, perverts and traitors of today’s democratic party. if he was alive he would be a Ronald Reagan Conservative, and would be loved by the people, but hated by the media......
Who elects our leaders, us or the media?
At Sunday, September 17, 2006 5:25:00 PM,
Pennsylvania Independent said…
Different views for different people. If anyone could, explain their polictical platform and issues.
At Monday, September 18, 2006 8:27:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
My Mother and Father were Truman Democrats. My Father would go on a rant any time the Eisenhower would come into the conversation.
Web_loafer is absolutely right in saying that Truman couldn't be for the current crop of Democrats. He wasn't a whiner, socialist, freeloading coward that the curreent crop seems to be. Truman spoke his mind and did what he thought was right for the country. I just wish that GWB would have gotten a different war planner than Truman, it appears they are using the same guy.
At Monday, September 18, 2006 7:11:00 PM,
Emily said…
Registered Independant! maybe you should register Democrat you might have voice in the Primary. Keep blogging Em
At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:51:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
There's an extremely in depth political test at the Political Compass project. It will take probably 45 minutes or so to answer all the questions, but it is very accurate, and plots you on a graph with all the other bloggers who have taken it.
You can look at the most recent results here.
At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 5:53:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you take it, just for reference, I scored a (5.1, -1) when I took it. If you visit the site, you'll understand what that score means.
At Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:24:00 PM,
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